Source code for sqlalchemy_continuum

import sqlalchemy as sa
from .exc import ClassNotVersioned, ImproperlyConfigured
from .manager import VersioningManager
from .operation import Operation
from .transaction import TransactionFactory
from .unit_of_work import UnitOfWork
from .utils import (

__version__ = '1.3.6'

versioning_manager = VersioningManager()

[docs]def make_versioned( mapper=sa.orm.mapper, session=sa.orm.session.Session, manager=versioning_manager, plugins=None, options=None, user_cls='User' ): """ This is the public API function of SQLAlchemy-Continuum for making certain mappers and sessions versioned. By default this applies to all mappers and all sessions. :param mapper: SQLAlchemy mapper to apply the versioning to. :param session: SQLAlchemy session to apply the versioning to. By default this is sa.orm.session.Session meaning it applies to all Session subclasses. :param manager: SQLAlchemy-Continuum versioning manager. :param plugins: Plugins to pass for versioning manager. :param options: A dictionary of VersioningManager options. :param user_cls: User class which the Transaction class should have relationship to. This can either be a class or string name of a class for lazy evaluation. """ if plugins is not None: manager.plugins = plugins if options is not None: manager.options.update(options) manager.user_cls = user_cls manager.apply_class_configuration_listeners(mapper) manager.track_operations(mapper) manager.track_session(session) sa.event.listen( sa.engine.Engine, 'before_cursor_execute', manager.track_association_operations ) sa.event.listen( sa.engine.Engine, 'rollback', manager.clear_connection ) sa.event.listen( sa.engine.Engine, 'set_connection_execution_options', manager.track_cloned_connections )
def remove_versioning( mapper=sa.orm.mapper, session=sa.orm.session.Session, manager=versioning_manager ): """ Remove the versioning from given mapper / session and manager. :param mapper: SQLAlchemy mapper to remove the versioning from. :param session: SQLAlchemy session to remove the versioning from. By default this is sa.orm.session.Session meaning it applies to all sessions. :param manager: SQLAlchemy-Continuum versioning manager. """ manager.reset() manager.remove_class_configuration_listeners(mapper) manager.remove_operations_tracking(mapper) manager.remove_session_tracking(session) sa.event.remove( sa.engine.Engine, 'before_cursor_execute', manager.track_association_operations ) sa.event.remove( sa.engine.Engine, 'rollback', manager.clear_connection ) sa.event.remove( sa.engine.Engine, 'set_connection_execution_options', manager.track_cloned_connections )